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Why You Should Keep Up With Regular HVAC Maintenance

February 23, 2024

The cold, snowy winter has arrived, and could you imagine your home or business without reliable HVAC services? Needless to say, it would be unbearably cold to where it could be life-threatening. Whether you're dealing with the harsh winter or humid summer, looking into the potential HVAC replacement cost is essential for keeping you and everyone else in your home safe. Here are reasons to keep up with regular HVAC maintenance.

Avoid Health Problems

According to the IEA, more than 90% of American households have an AC system. When your home has such a system, keeping up with regular maintenance can be essential to ensuring that your family's health is protected. Did you know that over 11,000 Americans have died from heat-related illnesses since 1979, according to the CDC? On the flip side, every winter, unlucky people end up freezing to death in their own homes because of extreme cold without proper heating. Don't forget about the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning. Did you know AC units can leak this colorless and odorless gas when it's not functioning properly? When inspectors come to do maintenance, they can check to ensure this gas isn't leaking out.

Be Eco-Friendly

More Americans are concerned about their carbon footprint on the environment. After all, too much carbon gas being released has resulted in pollution and a ravished ozone layer. Reducing your carbon input goes beyond watching the type of car you drive and what type of fuel you use. You can have an effect right from the comfort of your own home by having the right HVAC system. With regular maintenance, you can ensure your HVAC system is running as efficiently as possible. When it's running at an optimal level, it will burn less energy. The less energy your AC system burns, the less impact it will have on the environment.

Save Money

Speaking of energy efficiency, less energy being wasted also means less money being spent. Your electrical expenditure can account for a good chunk of your home bills. On top of that, your HVAC usage also dominates your energy expenditure. By reducing the amount of energy your AC uses, you can enjoy reduced energy bills each month. That initial HVAC replacement cost will save you from further expenses in the long term.

Avoid Noise Pollution

When your AC is at the end of its life cycle or has parts that are malfunctioning, it may start making a lot of noise. When your AC is noisy, it can be really noisy! A healthy AC will barely operate at a low hum when it's turned on. However, when it's overdue for repairs or maintenance work, it can begin rattling, shaking, or hissing. It could get so bad it may be impossible to have a phone call or watch TV in the same room where your AC unit is running. What if you have to sleep with your HVAC system on? According to the Sleep Foundation, you should get seven to nine hours of restful sleep each night. It would be hard for you to do so if you have a rattling and shaking AC unit.

Maintain Air Quality

Your HVAC system doesn't just heat and cool the air. It circulates that air throughout your home, so when that air is filthy, it can wreak havoc on your lungs. Unless you have a mini-ductless system, your unit will rely on ducts, which can contain dirt, dust, allergens, and even mold. When you have dirty air ducts in your system, all those nasty contaminants will circulate throughout the air. In the case of mold, it’ll latch onto your lungs and cause various respiratory problems like asthma or bronchitis. Your HVAC system can also affect the humidity in your home. Humid air can further breed mold throughout the space. That humidity can damage your furniture, plants, and clothing.

As you can see, having regular HVAC maintenance and inspections isn't a frivolous goal. Good maintenance is essential for ensuring the unit functions properly and keeps your family and property safe. For an
HVAC replacement cost you can afford and from a quality provider, look no further than our team. We offer a one-year labor warranty and emergency services. Call us at Montani Mechanical Group anytime for your HVAC needs.

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